Jayden Pitman

Animation | Motion Graphics | Editing | Sound Design

Examples of some of my 2d Animation work. I completed a minor in Animation at university, with a strong focus on blending traditional 2d animation techniques with digital motion graphics. Whether you want fully hand drawn TVC, a sketchy style music video, or more budgeted multimedia project, it's all possible.
Motion Graphics
Examples of some of my Motion Graphics work. I have a strong knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite (having been using After Effects since I was only 12) and have a very sturdy understanding of typography, design and composition. If you want an explainer video or demonstrative graphic for a documentary, this is the section for you.
Examples of some of my Vision Editing work. I have been working professionally as an editor for the past four years, and have an incredible passion for it. The process of slowly taking bits and pieces of footage and finally seeing the project take shape is the reason I got into the industry in the first place. Take a look and see if anything catches your eye.
Sound Design
Examples of some of my Sound Design work. Sound is criminally under-utilised /under-appreciated for how important it is. People tend to forget the audio part of "film is an Audio-Visual medium", and poor sound can be what breaks an otherwise fine project. I have strong passion and ear for creating full soundscapes with dynamics and flow to match the narrative progression.
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